COERR established the Catholic Volunteer Group or COERR Volunteer Group Program since 2000. The number of groups have increased since then. The activities of the Catholic Volunteer Groups were to help others in need.
At present, there are 62 active groups in 5 Dioceses: Tharae Archdiocese has 17 groups, Chiangmai 17 groups, Udonthani 17 groups, Ubon Ratchathani 6 groups and Nakhon Sawan 5 groups. These groups are supported by COERR to perform many activities for the poor, e.g. to visit the elderly people and to give advice to youth groups in starting livelihood activities like raising fish, frogs and chicken; growing vegetables, selling chicken ball, etc. There are currently 270 youth joining these activities.
Rev. Fr. Buathong Boonthod, COERR Volunteer Groups’ Spiritual Director of Udonthani Diecese, visited community and follow up the youth groups’ activities.

COERR staff provided the Candle Making Training to the Volunteer Group to learn how to produce candles for income generation

Visiting the Candle Making Group in February 2019
